Significant Statistics | Ozone in the Unita Basin

Written by: Staff

Ground-level ozone is of concern to policymakers because of public health risks. Breathing ground-level ozone can cause respiratory problems, especially for vulnerable groups including children, older people, people who work outdoors, and those with preexisting respiratory conditions such as asthma.1 One source of ground-level ozone is from methane gas. The difference in methane emissions across Utah counties helps explain why Uintah and Duchesne counties have ground-level ozone concentrations of about 40% and 30% higher, respectively, … Continued

Significant Statistics | Board Votes for Top 2024 Findings

Written by: Shawn Teigen

  The Utah Foundation’s Board of Trustees not only determines each year’s research agenda – it also determines the most important findings for the year. Nearly two-thirds (64%) of the board voters picked the number one choice.   Note: The percents above show the board members who voted for each issue. Each board member had three votes to select the top items from a final list of 10.   Three findings are from the Utah … Continued