Significant Statistics | What’s the income distribution in your corner of Utah?

Written by: Staff

Income Inequality in Utah: Comparing Counties and Regions UTAH CAN CLAIM both one of the nation’s least unequal income distributions and one of the highest measures of social mobility. However, it has not been immune to national trends of growing income inequality. According to one of the panelists at a June 30 Utah Foundation Breakfast Briefing, the bottom 10% of income earners in Utah saw their real income decline between 1990 and 2014 and the … Continued

Utah Thrives Podcast | What do Legal Needs Tell Us about Struggling Utahns?

Written by: Shawn Teigen

This episode of Utah Thrives pulls back the curtain to tell the hidden story of the legal and financial struggles of lower-income Utahns. We talk with retired Chief Justice Christine Durham and bankruptcy attorney Peggy Hunt of the Utah Bar Foundation. This podcast builds on Utah Foundation’s new report, The Justice Gap: Addressing the Unmet Legal Needs of Lower-Income Utahns.

Significant Statistics | One group of Utahns is more likely to contract – but also survive – the coronavirus

Written by: Staff

  HISPANIC/LATINO UTAHNS REPRESENT 14% of the state’s population, but comprise 42% of the coronavirus cases recorded in the state. Conversely, non-Hispanic white Utahns represent 78% of the population, but comprise only 34% of the state’s cases. Thankfully, Utah still has a small number of deaths, but some notable trends are emerging. While Hispanic Utahns are more likely than their non-Hispanic white counterparts to contract the coronavirus, they are substantially less likely to die from … Continued

Significant Statistics | 40% of Utahns Delaying Health Care

Written by: Staff

NEW CENSUS DATA SHOW that massive numbers of Utahns have been delaying health treatment. As of June 2, 2020, an estimated 830,000 Utah adults reported having delayed getting medical care in the previous four weeks because of the coronavirus pandemic. That represents 40% of the adult population of the state. This is in line with national numbers, with 41% of U.S. adults reporting a delay of medical care.[1] This finding is supported by accounts from … Continued

Op-ed: Why you should bet on Utah right now

Written by: Peter Reichard

Any major economic crisis has a tabula rasa effect, with businesses, investors and individuals pausing to consider big changes. Some will roll out a map of the United States to seek greener pastures. Some of them will decide to place their chips on Utah. Many current Utah residents will just double down. That makes sense, because this state is among the safest of bets. Here are 10 reasons why. 1. Utah has strong social capital. … Continued

Significant Statistics | Wasatch Front area takes lightest jobs hit among large U.S. metros

Written by: Staff

A NEW CBRE ANALYSIS has revealed that the Wasatch Front area was the least hit for year-over-year April job losses among 40 large U.S. metro areas studied. The area from Ogden to Provo saw its unemployment level at 6.6% higher than April 2019.[1] Phoenix and Dallas areas were tied for second best at 7.6% higher. April’s unemployment levels vary across Utah, but tourism-dependent counties have taken the hardest hits.[2] Grand County, which contains Moab, saw … Continued

Video: Driving Toward a Cleaner Future

Written by: Shawn Teigen

Utah Foundation’s third video of 2020 examines what’s driving the trend toward alternative fuel vehicles and what may be slowing it down. It also explores which alternative fuel vehicle incentive strategies are most effective from an air quality standpoint. The video builds on Utah Foundation’s 2019 report, Driving Toward a Cleaner Future: Alternative Fuel Vehicles in Utah.       This project was made possible in part through funding from the Utah Clean Air Partnership … Continued

Significant Statistics | Housing Permits Plummet

Written by: Staff

UTAH HOUSING BUILDING PERMITS decreased from 3,070 in March to 2,089 in April, a 32% decrease.1 Interestingly, this came just after a March in which the greater Salt Lake City area (MSA) saw the highest number of housing permits in decades, and perhaps ever – over 1,500. The next month, they plummeted: April saw a decrease to just over 800.2 Meanwhile, regional housing start3 estimates across the West indicate a dramatic dropoff, from 325,000 in … Continued

Significant Statistics | Utah Ranks Lowest in Unemployment Claims as a Percentage of Workforce

Written by: Staff

THE LATEST NATIONAL TAX FOUNDATION NUMBERS comparing unemployment claims put Utah in a favorable position relative to her 50 sisters: as of May 16, the Beehive State had the nation’s lowest unemployment claims as a percentage of the civilian workforce, at 5.7%. Contrast Utah’s situation with the five states with the highest percentage of claims, including three states in our neighborhood: Washington (31%), Nevada (25%), Oregon (24%), Hawaii (24%) and Florida (23%). The figures reflect … Continued

Significant Statistics | Transit Ridership Falls 70+ Percent

Written by: Staff

FROM EARLY MARCH TO LATE APRIL, Utah Transit Authority ridership plummeted. UTA’s fixed bus route and light rail ridership settled into a new weekday low in early April, with the decline hovering near the 70% to 75% range until the end of the month. The declines for Utah Valley Express, Frontrunner and paratransit were even steeper, settling into more than an 80% decline. UTA has stepped up sanitary efforts. It is currently surveying riders to … Continued