Op-Ed: As economic decline strains Utah families, legal needs will intensify

Written by: Peter Reichard

To a large extent, the legal needs facing lower-income Utah households serves as a barometer of the strains facing those households overall. So getting a handle on what those needs are — and the extent to which they are being met — becomes critical to philanthropic and governmental decision-making. This is true all the more in a time of crisis. A new report from Utah Foundation goes in-depth on this question. The Justice Gap: Addressing … Continued

Video: Unmet Legal Needs in Utah

Written by: Shawn Teigen

Utah Foundation’s second video of 2020 provides an overview of the findings from our new report on unmet legal needs in Utah. It also addresses needs that may flare up in light of the current economic crisis. Please watch and share our latest video. You can find the report and an executive summary here. The legal needs project was made possible with funding from the Utah Bar Foundation.

Significant Statistics | Utah Hits 150,000 New Unemployment Filings in Seven Weeks

Written by: Staff

UTAH EMPLOYMENT NUMBERS ARE BLEAK, but not as bleak as the national numbers. From February to March, state unemployment increased by 1.1% to 3.6%. This is the second largest monthly increase in the past 45 years. Only in late 2008 was there a larger monthly unemployment increase (1.4%).1 The state’s unemployment rate will jump much higher for April. In February, the U.S. unemployment rate hit a 50 year low (3.5%). Nationally, unemployment jumped from 4.4% … Continued

Utah Thrives Podcast: The State of Utah Embraces Teleworking

Written by: Peter Reichard

You won’t want to miss this episode of Utah Thrives, where you’ll find out why teleworking employees are more productive and you’ll hear about the multiple goals the state is addressing through teleworking — from air quality to rural employment. We talk with Jeff Mottishaw, senior consultant with the Operational Excellence Team in the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget, who discusses how the state’s teleworking program has gained momentum with the coronavirus crisis. This podcast builds on … Continued

Utah Thrives Podcast: A New Census Brings a New Round of Redistricting

Written by: Peter Reichard

In this episode of Utah Thrives, Utah Foundation Research Analyst Christopher Collard and President Peter Reichard discuss the new Utah redistricting statute and the challenges of redistricting in our state. The conversation follows Utah Foundation’s release of a new brief on redistricting and an interactive citizen redistricting tool.  

Op-Ed: The turn of the decade brings political redistricting. It’s not as simple as it sounds

Written by: Peter Reichard

It’s a new decade, and that means it will soon be time to play everyone’s favorite political game, redistricting. This time, however, it comes with a new player in Utah: a redistricting commission armed with a set of principles for redistricting. The commission and principles come compliments of a citizen referendum approved in 2018, with legislative changes in 2020. The recently approved legislation calls for the creation of a seven-member redistricting commission to draft and … Continued

Op-Ed: How will the coronavirus change us?

Written by: Peter Reichard

The reactions to coronavirus range from prudence to panic, and there’s reasonable debate about which reaction fits where. But regardless of your view, and leaving aside the economic issues, the virus will probably change the way we live and operate. To begin with, the crisis is exposing businesses, government agencies and vast swaths of the population to new ways of working. Utah Foundation, with support from UCAIR, has undertaken a study of telecommuting in 2020. The sudden shift to telecommuting … Continued

Op-Ed: Coronavirus, an earthquake and lessons learned from a past crisis

Written by: Peter Reichard

The impacts surrounding the coronavirus, coupled with a significant earthquake, have me thinking back to a dark period. In New Orleans in 2005, I watched a piece of American civilization fall into confusion, the city half-destroyed (and my own house looted). But I was lucky, with “only” about $40,000 in damage from floodwaters. This was the Katrina disaster and its aftermath, and I watched it from the front row, working at a public policy organization … Continued

Utah Thrives Podcast: The State Auditor’s Take on How to Get Utah’s Fiscal House in Order

Written by: Peter Reichard

In this episode of Utah Thrives, we sit down with Utah State Auditor John Dougall to discuss his views on the state’s fiscal challenges, particularly in light of the recent tax reform effort. We also discuss the transportation funding questions that he suggests stand at the heart of the matter. The conversation touches on both of Utah Foundation’s most recent reports, Now What? A Citizen’s Tax Reform Troubleshooting Guide (February) and EDTIF Elevated? Utah’s Evolving … Continued