Utah Thrives Podcast | Utahns’ Misery

Written by: Shawn Teigen

Utah Foundation staff discuss the findings of our Misery Index, released in December as part of the 2022 Quality of Life Series. We also hear from Representative — and economist — Robert Spendlove and Dr. Steve Hanke, the creator of the index we used. Just what is making Utahns miserable and how miserable are they? Listen to find out.

The Revenue Report: Income and Sales Tax Surprise

Written by: Staff

The State will be re-forecasting revenues after one more monthly collections report – due in the middle of February. Legislators will consider these numbers before making final budget decisions for the 2023 General Session. Interestingly, if the current growth rates were to hold throughout the remainder of the fiscal year (June 30th), the state would end the year with $1.9 billion more than forecasted. In this edition we highlighted how actual revenues can sometimes far … Continued