Utah Foundation Quality of Life Survey: Measuring Utahns’ Perceptions of their Communities, Personal Lives

Written by: Shawn Teigen

In collaboration with Intermountain Healthcare, Utah Foundation occasionally surveys Utahns in an effort to understand how they feel about both their community and their personal quality of life. KEY FINDINGS OF THIS REPORT Despite improvements in the economy, Utahns’ perceptions of their community quality of life has declined since 2013 from a score of 73 to 70. The availability of good jobs is the only aspect on Utah Foundation’s Community Quality of Life Index that … Continued

United Way of Treasure Valley 2017 Community Assessment

Written by: Shawn Teigen

In 2016, the United Way of Treasure Valley retained Utah Foundation to perform a Community Assessment of the United Way’s three-county service area. Work was completed in 2017. The Community Assessment is seen as a foundation to achieve community goals. For the assessment, Utah Foundation analyzed community data as indicators of community success, barriers to reveal hindrances to community success, and opportunities as potential solutions to barriers. To inform the assessment, Utah Foundation held focus groups … Continued

Utah Priorities 2016, Issue #2: Air Quality

Written by: Shawn Teigen

While air quality and the environment were a single topic in past Utah Priorities Project surveys, they were separated in 2016 based on preliminary survey feedback. Due in part to this change, air quality rose from seventh in 2012 (when combined with the environment) to the second most important issue to Utahns in 2016. Utah Voters’ Concern Over two-thirds of Utahns gave air quality a high level of concern (68% rated it a 4 or 5 on … Continued

Utah Priorities 2016, Issue #3: K-12 Education

Written by: Shawn Teigen

Utahns have always ranked K-12 education as a one of their top three concerns in the Utah Priorities Project. In 2016, K-12 education ranked third. Survey Responses Level of Concern In the Utah Priorities Project, over two-thirds (68%) of Utahns had a high level of concern for K-12 education (rating it a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale). Liberal respondents were slightly more concerned than moderate and conservative respondents, but over 81% of “very … Continued

Utah Priorities 2016, Issue #6: Water Supply and Quality

Written by: Christopher Collard

Water has bounced back onto the Utah Priorities Project top 10 list after dropping to eleventh place in 2010 and 2012. In this year’s project survey, 61% of respondents indicated concern (a 4 or 5 on a 5-point scale) for water supply and quality. SURVEY RESULTS The bump in the rankings could be due to increased media attention on water issues in 2015 and 2016 at both the regional and local level. The drought in … Continued

2016 Utah Priorities Project: Survey of Voters’ Issues and Concerns (Part I)

Written by: Mallory Bateman

To explore the data in more depth, please visit the Utah Priorities Project page. Each gubernatorial election year since 2004, Utah Foundation has sought to understand what is important to Utah voters. The project uses surveys to compare voter priorities to candidates for Utah governor and political party delegates. For the 2016 election, Utah Foundation is again releasing the Utah Priorities Project. This first installment of a series of reports outlines voters’ top concerns as … Continued

Utah Foundation Quality of Life Index: 2015 – From Concern About Jobs to an Embrace of Natural Surroundings

Written by: Shawn Teigen

The third biennial Utah Foundation Quality of Life Index stands at 76.9 out of a possible 100 points, down more than one point from 78.2 in the 2013 index, and down slightly from 77.2 in the 2011 index. Utah Foundation produces the Index in collaboration with Intermountain Healthcare. While overall Utahns rate themselves as having a high quality of life, several of the quality of life aspects most important to them – like public schools, … Continued

Taking Care of Our Seniors: An Assessment of Utah’s Aging Services

Written by: Mallory Bateman

The oldest Baby Boomers turn seventy this year. Though Utah is known as a young state, older adults represent more than ten percent of the population, and their numbers are increasing rapidly. Though there have been initiatives in the past, there is currently no state plan to address the needs of the growing senior population. This report describes some of the most critical services that the state’s twelve Area Agencies on Aging offer to seniors, … Continued

Millennials and Boomers: Politics and Society (Part IV)

Written by: Mallory Bateman

PART IV: POLITICS AND SOCIETY (See Part I: Demographics, Part II: Finances and Workplace Preferences, and Part III: Housing) Increased voter turnout in the 2008 presidential election helped create movement around understanding younger voters, who in previous election cycles had been thought of as an inactive group. National research has painted Millennials as a socially-conscious generation who do not identify with the two major parties. These attributes are influenced by their goals and values in … Continued

Millennials and Boomers: Housing Preferences (Part III)

Written by: Mallory Bateman

PART III: HOUSING PREFERENCES (see Part I: Demographics, Part II: Finances and Workplace Preferences, and Part IV: Politics and Society) Many headlines and reports in the past several years have highlighted location and housing preferences of Millennials. While Millennial home purchases stalled during the recession and subsequent years, Millennials were the largest share of home buyers in 2014. Since the economy is improving and more Millennials are getting older and forming new households, this trend … Continued